Sam Goldsmith
Principal, CTO & Founder
Sam Goldsmith is the Founder and Principal at Goldsmith Solutions. Raised in rural West Texas, Goldsmith credits much of his success to growing up in his parent’s small business; and to numerous teachers along the way who fostered his love for business, public speaking, and politics. Goldsmith went on to attend DeVry University in Irving, Texas and studied Information Systems / Telecommunications Management.
Over the past 15 years, Goldsmith has emerged as a leader in his field and has been recognized with a “Best Practice” award for Exceptional Delivery of a Service by the Texas Association of Counties for innovation in the field of Information Technology in County government.
Through his work, Goldsmith equips county governments and historic courthouses with technology solutions that enable them to make better, smarter decisions and more efficiently deliver services to the citizens they serve.
In 2018 Goldsmith was nominated and served in an advisory compacity for the 20-year review of the Texas Historic Courthouse Preservation Program, where he helped shape the forward path of the program that enables counties to preserve their historic courthouses while preparing for the future.
Goldsmith most recently was invited to speak to a state-wide audience about the future of technology in County Government at the 2019 “Real Places” conference hosted by the Texas Historical Commission.
Goldsmith is the proud uncle to three nieces (Avery, Reese, Clara) and three nephews (Elliott, Brazos, Griffin). Goldsmith enjoys spending time with his nieces and nephews playing LEGO's, baseball, business (along with a working PBX phone system just for the kids), and most recently teaching his nephew Lacrosse.
Goldsmith grew up in Baird and has volunteered since 2014 to help restore his hometown’s historic 1929 courthouse to its former glory and protect it for future generations.
Every 5 Year Old Needs a Landline